* 1968 in Schotten, Germany | Deutschland

Lives in Lower Austria | Lebt in Niederösterreich

Human-animal hybridization and the investigation of behavioral congruences stand at the center of Iris Sageder's oeuvre. In the series Buddhaminders, primates embody pre-humans and allude to the blending of various life forms as well as various stages of development and degrees of consciousness. Sageder's works give rise to a magical universe that thematizes human trials and tribulations and relates these to evolutionary processes. At the same time, her sculptures emphasize the aspect of artisanship in light of their analog production. The simple way in which they are fashioned allows these figures to develop a strong sort of expressivity and seem strangely timeless. Sageder's formal language permeates with massive sculptural presence and great immediacy the abstract nature of figurative symbolism.

Die Hybridisierung von Mensch und Tier sowie die Untersuchung von Verhaltensmuster und Abweichungen stehen im Zentrum von Iris Sageders Œuvre. Der Primat verkörpert einen Vor-Menschen und spielt auf die Vermischung verschiedener Lebensformen sowie unterschiedliche Entwicklungsstadien und Bewusstseins-grade an. Mit ihren Werken schafft Sageder ein magisches Universum, das menschliche Irrungen und Wirrungen thematisiert und diese in einen Zusammenhang mit evolutionären Prozessen stellt. Zugleich betonen die Skulpturen den Aspekt des Hand-werklichen im Kontext ihrer analogen Herstellung. Die Figuren entwickeln in der Einfachheit ihrer Machart eine starke Aus-druckskraft und wirken seltsam zeitlos. Sageders Formensprache durchdringt mit massiver skulpturaler Präsenz und großer Unmittelbarkeit die Abstraktion eines figurativen Symbolismus.

Angela Stief, Chief Curator and Director of ALBERTINA MODERN, Vienna




Iris Sageder models objects, based on mythological concepts of the loss of innocence, using traditional sculpting techniques. After falling from grace, the „pre hominid“ primate, as the closest of man’s ancestors, is suspended in a paradisiacal state.

Iris Sageder’s subjects draw inspiration from and around the theme of: The gaining of innocence – the fall from grace – the ability to understand. In plumbing the depths of this dichotomy, she chronicles her work as a series of experiments, in which form and materiality resonate with the unconscious harmonics of the soul.

„Animal embodiment, metaphors and analogies: In instinctive imagery, that goes beyond the logic of our minds, we finally see things as they are. – We see them as we are. (The imagery is behind us and in front of us: pure perception)

As Slavoj Zizek defines it, Iris Sageder’s sculptures and pictures are akin to Looking Awry.  – In observing things from an oblique perspective, we learn to see ourselves. Before being thrown outof paradise.

DR. PAUL DIVJAK, Opening Speech, Odyseeevolution, 2015 – S. 2





Iris Sageder was born in Schotten in 1968 and studied art science, psychology and communication science at the University of Essen. She has been working as a professional artist since 2002 and frequently works together with other artists from Europe and overseas: From 2003 to 2006, she developed light sculptures in private and public spaces with Linda Bilda-Czapka. From 2004 to 2016 she worked with sculptural and installation media and techniques as well as the spatial expansion of the 2-dimensional- painting in the 3- dimensional space, especially in the sculpture classes of Prof. Michael Nogin in Vienna/AT and Beth Cavener Stitcher in Montana/USA.

Today Iris Sageder lives and works in Lower Austria.
